Unusual or Weird Traditions 4º ESo Bilingual Programme

This week we are looking into the weirdest or most unusual traditions they can find on the web. Scroll down to see the results.


17 comentarios:

  1. Well done! I feel really lucky I didn't have to get married in Scotland! Eugh!

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  3. My favourite weird tradition is the one that if you are in Scotland and you are going to get married, before the wedding they show you with a lot of disgusting things. I think that is a good way to think about the wedding and the compromise

  4. Great job, guys!
    Some traditons are really dangerous, especially the one with the babies!

  5. I think some of these traditions are very strange, specially the one about weddings in Scotland, how disgusting!

  6. I like lots of this unsuall tradictions but the one I most like wass the teeth one because I believed on it when I was smaller.


  7. I found them very funny and strange. Good job, I would never have imagined that these laws existed

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  9. The tradictions aren´t very usual (as the tittle says) but i think it´s interesting , i like it

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  11. I like how we worked to do this project , an awesome work i am very happy with you all

  12. I really like discovering things like this, but most of them are really creepy!, like this one: `Flying Babies´... Everything else is fine!!
