The students in 1º ESO bilingual have decorated the turkeys and have written what they are thankful for in life. Students in 2º ESO have also participted with their own gratitude posts.
These were all the contestants:
The students in 1º ESO bilingual have decorated the turkeys and have written what they are thankful for in life. Students in 2º ESO have also participted with their own gratitude posts.
Maths project representing geometry surrounding us.
These are some of the pictures taken.
Student’s then chose a favourite poem and interpreted it artistically .
Students of first of ESO have been working on the popular legend of Romulus and Remus. In the History class they have studied the foundation of Rome through texts and videos. Students have also enriched their vocabulary with fill in the gaps activities. Finally, they have created original comic strips about the legend of the twins with the help of the teacher. Here you have the result of their wonderful work.
The legend of Romulus and Remus_2021_2022.pptx
February 11 is the International Day that conmemorates Women and Girls in Science.
This year 2022 we celebrate its 7th anniversary by remembering those women and girls, both known and unknown, who have opened a path in science for us to follow.
Globally, only 33 per cent of researchers are women, and they are awarded less research funding than men, and are less likely to be promoted. These glaring underrepresentations limit our ability to find inclusive, sustainable solutions to modern problems and build a better society for all.
As a project to raise awareness of the importance of this inclusion of women and girls in STEM , our students in 1º, 2º and 3º have dug into the lives of some important inspirational women who have become role models for all of us.
Regarding our own town, Gijón, it is clear theat women scientists are underrepresented in our street names, as there is only a mere 5% of them.
El 11 de febrero es el Día Internacional que conmemora a las mujeres y niñas en la ciencia.
Este año 2022 celebramos su 7º aniversario recordando a aquellas mujeres y niñas, conocidas y desconocidas, que han abierto un camino en la ciencia para que nosotras lo sigamos.
A nivel mundial, sólo el 33% de las investigadoras son mujeres, y se les conceden menos fondos de investigación que a los hombres, y tienen menos probabilidades de ser promocionadas. Esta flagrante infrarrepresentación limita nuestra capacidad para encontrar soluciones inclusivas y sostenibles a los problemas modernos y construir una sociedad mejor para todos.
Como proyectos de concienciación sobre la importancia de esta inclusión de mujeres y niñas en STEM , nuestros alumnos de 1º, 2º y 3º han escarbado en las vidas de algunas importantes mujeres inspiradoras que se han convertido en modelos a seguir para todos nosotros.
En lo que respecta a nuestra propia ciudad, Gijón, está claro que las mujeres científicas están poco presentes en los nombres de nuestras calles, ya que sólo un 5% lleva el nombre de una mujer científica.